Author Archive

Castillo Leaves Game

Luis Castillo left today’s game in the fifth inning due to soreness in his right knee. Anyone surprised? Not me.

Wise DLed

The Mets have placed Matt Wise on the DL. Wise was not available for the Saturday and Sunday game of the Atlanta series due to soreness on his right forearm. The Mets are calling the injury a contusion. Carlos Muniz has been recalled to replace Wise. Muniz is a right hander with 2 years of […]

Mets Get Rickrolled

The Mets were introduced to an internet phenomenon when they were Rickrolled. For those who are not familiar Rickrolling is when you send someone a link purporting to be something the reader would be interested in but instead it links to the music video for Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up”. (For more on […]

Wright on Letterman

David Wright will be on Late Show with David Letterman next Monday April 14.

Home Opener Tomorrow

No news today. The off day is really off. The Mets schedule picks up again tomorrow with the last home opener at Shea Stadium. Members of William Shea’s family will be on hand as a new logo is added to the left field wall of retired numbers to commemorate the man who helped bring National […]

Mets Waste Santana Start

It was a sad day for the Mets offense yesterday. The closest they came to scoring through much of the game was when Johan Santana reached third base after hitting a double. They would end up scoring one run in the ninth inning of the 3-1 loss but Santana’s two bagger would be the only […]

Tonight’s Lineup

# Name Position 7 Jose Reyes SS 1 Luis Castillo 2B 5 David Wright 3B 15 Carlos Beltran CF 21 Carlos Delgado 1B 16 Ryan Church RF 19 Angel Pagan LF 23 Brian Schneider C 33 John Maine P    

Davidoff on Pedro Replacement

Ken Davidoff writes on his baseball blog for Newsday about one possible replacement for Pedro Martinez while he mends his strained hamstring: recently DFAed Texas Rangers righthander Robinson Tejada. Davidoff’s suggestion is worth reading.

Wright On James

Dan Graziano at NJ.Com Mets Main Blog discusses stats pioneer Bill James’ appearance on 60 Minutes this past Sunday and David Wright‘s reaction to it.

Pedro’s Pop = 4-6 Weeks

The pop in Pedro Martinez‘s left hamstring turned out to be a strain that will keep the Mets number two starter on the disabled list for 4 to 6 weeks. That answers the question of making room for Nelson Figueroa who was recalled from AAA yesterday. Figueroa, who pitched an inning in relief in the […]