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Figueroa To Rejoin Team

Pedro Martinez landed in New York at about 3:30 this afternoon and the results of his MRI are not yet known. However the Mets have already recalled Nelson Figueroa from AAA New Orleans. Since Pedro has not been placed on the DL I’m unclear if anyone has been removed from the roster. In all probability […]

Tonight’s Lineup

# Name Position 7 Jose Reyes SS 1 Luis Castillo 2B 5 David Wright 3B 15 Carlos Beltran CF 21 Carlos Delgado 1B 16 Ryan Church RF 19 Angel Pagan LF 23 Brian Schneider C 46 Oliver Perez P    

Pop Goes Pedro?

That pop you heard last night may be more or less than what it sounded like. It came from the hamstring of Pedro Martinez and it will take an MRI to determine the extent of the damage. Martinez felt the pop in the fourth inning with the Mets down 4-3 after he allowed home runs […]

Tonight’s Lineup

# Name Position 7 Jose Reyes SS 1 Luis Castillo 2B 5 David Wright 3B 15 Carlos Beltran CF 21 Carlos Delgado 1B 16 Ryan Church RF 19 Angel Pagan LF 23 Brian Schneider C 45 Pedro Martinez P    

Santana Starts Season Wright

Johan Santana‘s first start as a Met lived up to all the hype as the Mets scored a 7-2 win over the Florida Marlins on opening day. The stud offseason pickup who will make more money this season than the whole Marlins team pitched 7 innings allowing 2 earned runs on 3 hits while walking […]

Today’s Lineup

# Name Position 7 Jose Reyes SS 1 Luis Castillo 2B 5 David Wright 3B 15 Carlos Beltran CF 21 Carlos Delgado 1B 16 Angel Pagan LF 19 Ryan Church RF 23 Brian Schneider C 57 Johan Santana P    

2008 Opening Day Roster

  Pitchers B/T Ht Wt DOB     25 Pedro Feliciano L/L 5-10 190 08/25/76   48 Aaron Heilman R/R 6-5 225 11/12/78   33 John Maine R/R 6-4 200 05/08/81   45 Pedro Martinez R/R 5-11 195 10/25/71   34 Mike Pelfrey R/R 6-7 215 01/14/84   46 Oliver Perez L/L 6-3 215 08/15/81 […]

Roster Fine Tuning

The Mets completed the final fine tuning of the roster yesterday to cut down to 25 men for today’s opening game of the 2008 regular season. Orlando Hernandez, who went back to his trademark high leg kick in Saturday’s preseason finale, was put on the 15-day DL so he can work on his arm strength. […]

Now Affiliated With StubHub

Some of you may have noticed that the ticket banner in the right sidebar has changed. This is because I have changed my ticket affiliation to StubHub. I made the change for several reasons but the top two are that StubHub is a more recognizable, trusted name and the the previous ticket vendor weaseled out […]

Gotay to Braves, Register to Rockies

Ruben Gotay was claimed by the Braves. Let the second guessing begin! The Mets were not able to work out a trade to keep Steven Register so he has been returned to the Rockies.