Replacing Trachs

Todays edition of Newsday reports that have begun looking outside the organization for a starting pitcher in the wake of Steve Trachsel‘s back injury. The team is apparently interested in Houston Astos RHP Tim Redding among others. I find this to be curious. I mean, how exactly is this an upgrade from Matt Ginter? If you look at their career numbers the only real advantage to Redding, statistically speaking, is that he’s pitched more Major League innings. But beyond that Redding is not an upgrade but rather a lateral shift. I’d have to say that if your choice is using Ginter, who is already in house, or trading for Redding, who you’d have to give something for (even if it’s something small), I’d rather stick with Ginter. Save the minor leaguers and players to be named later for a better acquisition. Maybe Tony Armas Jr. or Zach Day who could be had from the Expos. Ooops, I mean the Nationals. Just a thought.


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